Sunday, September 24, 2006

I Hate Football Night in America

Bring back NFL Primetime!!! T T

I can't bring myself to watch NBC's football highlight show Football Night in America. First of all, they have 4 hosts, Bob Costas, Chris Collinsworth, Shannon Sharpe, and Jerome Bettis and I am not a fan of any of them. I don't know what it is about Costas but I've never liked him. It always feels like he feels like he's better than doing what he's doing. I know he's a pretty intelligent guy but he just doesn't seem right for a football show. The other 3 guys are former players who are just trying to match ESPN's over the top guys like Salisbury, Irvin, etc. But the ESPN crowd knows they're ridiculous while these guys try to be entertaining by making cheesy comments and raising their voices for no reasons.

And what the hell was that? A weather report for New England? I don't need to see that! Give me highlights! I'm not kidding when they showed exactly 2 plays from the St Louis / Arizona game. A whole 2 plays. Gee thanks! I don't want weather reports, interviews, a view of their clubhouse setting. Give me Berman and Jackson with their awesome highlights.

A highlight show is not just about showing clips from games. You have to know how to pick and choose them, edit them together, accompany them with good music, and provide entertaining yet insightful commentary. ESPN Primetime had this down to an art. Compared to Primetime, Football Night in America is a really bad joke.



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