Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New TV Show - Heroes

I just finished watching the premiere episode of NBC's new drama Heroes (thanks to Gee Why for the tip on how to watch shows you missed when they originally aired - just as good as tivo!).

I gotta say...I am hooked! The premise of the show is that there are some people on this earth who are more special than others, meaning they possess supernatural powers. There's a young high school girl who seems to have Wolverine like healing powers. There's a young nurse who believes he can fly. There's a single mom who strips online for money who seems to have a double personality. There's the Japanese businessman who thinks he can bend time and teleport. There's the junkie artist who paints portraits of disasters weeks before they occur. Somewhat similar to Lost, they are all connected somehow.

It's like reading the #1 issue of a new comic book series where you learn all the origins of the characters. There was even a reference to X-Men comics in it! And this show kind of reminded me of a show I watched when I was a kid called Misfits of Science which starred Kevin Bacon and Courtney Cox as people with super powers as well, except so far Heroes isn't cheesy.

I haven't watched too many American dramas as of late but I will definitely be keeping my eye out on this one!


Blogger Sang Park said...

saw the pilot...pretty good...although, as in the case of most pilots, the second episode will show us whether its worth continued viewing. That Japanese actor is an interesting fellow according to IMDB, he was a techie working for ILM among others before becoming an actor. And the guy who plays his friend is none other than James Kyson Lee, a Korean...typical Hollywood, right?

9/28/2006 7:34 AM  
Blogger Gee Why said...

Glad you like your BT alternative to TV. Sounds like an interesting show, but there's too much to watch and not enough time!

Lost is starting next week and Battlestar Galactica returns the week after that.

9/28/2006 10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear, hear, regarding James Kyson Lee. I've seen him in a few stuff and, like his performance in Heroes, he acts pretty darn well, actually. Still, I couldn't help but notice slight faults, however few (I mean, he was speaking at Kansai MPH, gotta admit) in his language. Hey, gotta do something to compliment the obvious setting that was NOT in Japan, no (drinking straight out of the bottle? I don't think I've seen [honestly. "Seen." I drink Coca-Colas :) )that before in any of my visits to Japan). Still, nice chemistry between him and and that guy who plays Hiro (who is from Japan), very believable "salaryman" bonding. I thought it was the best storyline.

I wonder if Heroes will end up on the Sci Fi channel (part of NBC Productions, no?) if the series manages to not "make it" on network TV. Would give an opportunity for Hiro to "blink" his way onto the Galactica, heh.

Of the new shows Shark and Justice are good, too. I hope those last awhile.

9/29/2006 9:42 AM  
Blogger 808marv said...

I'll have to download the pilot too (I get mine from Usenet) 'cause I missed it as well. Even thought they are showing it on Sci-fi *and* USA Network, I want to see a high quality version someone ripped from HDTV.

NBC's parent company is really making sure that you do not escape their much hyped shows; Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is also on Bravo and USA. That's not a bad show either by the way.

9/29/2006 4:37 PM  
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