Friday, June 22, 2007


Let me say....trying to work out all the logistics stuff with bringing the 2 stars (Lee Ki Chan and Wax) here for the Korean Festival in 3 weeks is giving me major headaches. It's like trying to pull teeth to get the manager in Korea to respond in a timely manner to anything. Now I just have one more hurdle to cross, but it may prove to be the most difficult.

The airlines issue is really concerning me at this ponit. I was able to contact JAL to get them to offer me 50% discount on the 2 business class seats and I went ahead and gave them the itinerary I wanted. Now, I just find out last night that LKC and his manager want to stay 2 nights in Tokyo before returning to Seoul. So I have to call my JAL contact this morning to ask him to make the change after it's already been confirmed. I also found out last night that my source for the airline tix for the 6 entourage members doesn't have any seats available on the flights already booked for LKC and Wax. So I have to go shop around again for seats, if they're even available. Ugh!

There's also a visa issue. 3 of the entourage currently don't have visas. So I had to write up an invitation letter and also a letter to the General Consul in Korea to ask for their assistance in obtaining their visas.

Not to mention having to make hotel arrangements, negotiate appearance fees, possibly renting a sound system for their performance, etc. There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on. Lots of work! But you know what...? Honestly, it's still fun. I've learned a lot and it's been interesting. I consider it all to be valuable experience in case I choose to venture further into this realm in the future.

But now that the advertising has all gone out for the Festival, there's no turning back! One way or another, it's all gotta come together and work out!

Whew...!!! Just needed to vent I guess...



Blogger Sang Park said...


6/22/2007 11:38 AM  
Blogger Myong Choi said...


6/22/2007 11:46 AM  
Blogger 808marv said...

Ah the wild and wacky world of the concert/event promoter. I give you much credit for being able to do it, especially since this is an international thing with visas and such. So do you have to get accommodations for them in Japan too or are they at least taking care of that part?

Oh well, all this will make it that much sweeter when the show is pulled off.

Here's an inspirational video for ya ;-) :
Rocky III Training Montage

6/23/2007 12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job!
When it's all done you're gonna feel like a million bucks.

We'll all be there. Thanks for putting so much effort into this festival. him neh seh yo!

6/27/2007 2:52 PM  

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