Monday, January 28, 2008

Juno = Jenny, Juno?

There's a highly critically acclaimed film out right now called Juno that's apparently about a young girl named Juno who's dealing with a teenage pregnancy. It's gotten rave reviews and even 4 Academy Award nominations including nods for Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Screenplay. The question is....would that Best Original Screenplay nomination be more accurate in the Best Adapted Screenplay category?

The reason for the question is that there is a Korean filmed called Jenny, Juno that has a highly similar plot. The Korean film, released in 2004, also centers around a young teen Korean couple dealing with pregnancy with one of the main characters (the male in this case) being named Juno.

Hmm....coincidence? Sounds a little fishy if you ask me, but who knows? The screenwriter for Juno claims no knowledge of the Korean film but states she is interested in watching it now. Two movies with similar plots....same quirky name used in both....????

I haven't seen either film so I can't really say how similar they are but it does make you go hmm.....


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