Monday, March 03, 2008

What's Up With Hanauma Bay?

Went to Hanauma Bay yesterday. It was lots of fun as I haven't gone snorkeling in a long while (I think the last time was last April or May) but where'd all the fish go? I seem to remember that when I went when I was a kid and even up to a few years ago there'd be tons of fish all over but yesterday, they were so few and far in between! Is it just me or is the number of fish at Hanauma Bay dwindling? And that video they make you watch before you can enter the Bay shows squid and octopus in the waters. I've never seen either at the Bay. Hmm.....

Any other good snorkeling spots out there on Oahu?


Blogger Rob H said...

I remember all the fish long time ago too. That was when we could bring our own frozen peas, bread, whatever. And certain fish would swarm anybody that didn't wash hands after lunch, or had white enough toes. It probably had a negative effect on biodiversity, water quality, and maybe the health of the reef. Now, the bay is a little more "wild" and representative of a natural reef habitat.

I think the new education center helps curb the behavior of people who are in the habit of walking on coral reefs and riding the turtles. But still got some lolo people that do it. It's a little inconvenient, yes.

One thing I really miss is going out to the toilet bowl!


3/03/2008 9:08 PM  

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