Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Japanese Game Shows

American style....that is.

Yesterday ABC premiered two game shows that are related to Japanese game shows.

Wipeout, which is clearly based on the Japanese game show Most Extreme Challenge, and I Survived a Japanese Game Show.

First was Wipeout at 7pm and I haven't laughed as hard as I did watching this show in a very long time. Watching the contestants eat it on various obstacles was just hilarious! And I loved how the announcers (ESPN's John Anderson and former Talk Soup MC John Henson) made the sarcastic comments like they do on MXC and they also gave everyone funny nicknames. If you like MXC, definitely check this show out. I was laughing from start to finish. The epitome of brainless, summer escapism entertainment.

I Survived a Japanese Game Show (ISAJGS) is a different animal. 10 unknowing Americans are wisked off to Tokyo to participate in a series of games on a Japanese game show called Majide! They have no clue what's going on and before they know it, they're split into two teams (Green Monkey team and Yellow Penguin team) to play elimination games. Yesterday's game involved one teammate having to retrieve and eat balls of mochi from their teammate's helmets as they ran on a fast moving treadmill. The winning team then gets a reward (heli tour of Tokyo) while the losing team had to do a mission (give rickshaw rides). The losing team then selects 2 of their weakest links to play in an elimination game where the loser goes home. It's king of like a mixture of Survivor, The Apprentice, and The Amazing Race. While not as mindlessly entertaining as Wipeout, it still looks pretty promising. I'll be watching it for the next few weeks.

Also, at first I was getting annoyed by the Japanese game show host and audience constantly repeating the title of the show (Majide!) with the accompanying hand motion but it got past irritation and started to grow on me. Before I knew it, I was yelling out Majide! along with them!

Plus I really liked watching how the Americans had to adapt to Japanese culture and that should be fun to watch in the upcoming episodes. They have a live-in "mama-san" who bosses them around ("You! Go bed!" and "Shoes off now!") and they had no idea what mochi was ("What's a mochi ball?"). Could be interesting.

Check em out!


Blogger Sang Park said...

My wife and I were ROTFLOL during Wipeout, and I'm sick with that didn't help at all. Haven't seen the second show, though I DVR'd it. Will give it a shot tonight!

6/25/2008 12:42 PM  

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