Friday, December 08, 2006

"Energy" Relationship Questions

There's this new talk show in Korea called "Energy" where a question about relationships is presented and celebrity guests pick a side either "for" or "against" the statement and then debate why. At the start of each show, they start off with 5 guests "for" and 5 guests "against". At the end of the show the celebs are given the option to change their mind based on the discussions they've heard.

There's been some pretty interesting topics over the first 5 eps of this show! I can't remember them all but I'll post the ones I do recall and will probably do so from now on each week as the show comes on.

The question from this week's show was "Are you willing to share your secret passwords (email, cell phone, bank accts, etc.) with your loved one?" Guests "against" said that people need their privacy and guests "for" argued that if they really loved someone, they are willing to give them every part of them, including their passwords, because they have nothing to hide. As for me...I am with the "against" crowd. I would never divulge my passwords (a man has his secrets!) nor would I ever ask my partner for theirs. How about y'all?

Other questions from the past...

"Would you get plastic surgery if your partner asked you to?" - I would say "against"

Actually, that's the only other one I can remember right now. Damn, my memory's really going bad recently! Anyways, feel free to give your input!


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