Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Well...after about a month of not going to the gym due to Korean Festival preparation, working late, and LAZINESS...I finally went back yesterday and today to try and get back to my regular workout schedule. After that month of inactivity, I knew I was gonna be hurtin' and yep! I'm sore!

Before I hit the weights, I always do a warm up run between 1-2 miles, depending how I feel that day and how my creaky knees hold up. Surprisingly, I was able to run just as I did before my absence, even with doing no cardio during that time and having the occasional cigarette here and there. Hey, maybe I'm not as bad off as I thought!

Well, when I hit the weight room, that's when it hit me. Weights I used to warm up with now became my max weights! Especially on the flat bench press....it was like my chest was saying to me, "Hey! WTF! I thought you were just gonna let us hang! What's with the exertion all of a sudden!?" Suffice it to say, I will be slowly getting back to where I was before.

But I have to admit that it feels really great to get a good sweat going again. Sometimes you just have to sweat the bad crap out of your body, whether it be toxins, fat cells, or mental stress. You always end up feeling better after a hard workout.

Now...if I can just find a decent taekwondo gym to join....I've visited two in the past 2 days and neither appealed to me. There's gotta be a good one somewhere!


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