Thursday, May 15, 2008

City of the Future

I've been gaining more interest in becoming more "green". I'm signing up to take an exam to become LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited and I also do the small things in everyday life that help save the environment. I'm no tree hugger by any means but I do the little things that everyone should be doing such as recycling, turning the water off in the shower when applying soap, bringing my own bags to the market, etc. So yeah, I try to be environmentally conscious when I can.

So I was fascinated when a friend of mine (Thanks, Orbs!) sent me an article about Masdar, a city being built in Abu Dhabi. This city's aim is to be carbon neutral, meaning it will emit no carbon emissions such as burning gas or oil, thus having no contribution to the greenhouse effect.

Some aspects of the city's plan are to totally eliminate cars, recycle 80% of its water, and convert all waste into something reusable. The plan sounds very ambitious but if successful, it could hopefully be the leader for future city planning.

Check out the article and video here: The City of Masdar


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