Monday, July 03, 2006

Kim Yun Jin on David Letterman July 11

Korean actress Kim Yun Jin will appear on the David Letterman show on July 11th. She will be the 2nd Korean star (first was Michelle Wie) to appear on the talk show. Can't wait to see it!

I also came across this article about Kim Yun Jin which talks a little about the upcoming plots on Lost. It appears that even Kim does not know who the father of Sun's baby is as the producers have kept it a secret from her (or perhaps they don't know themselves?). In any case, the crazy thing she mentions is that there is a possibility that Michael is the father of the baby! Now that just doesn't sit well with me. And it has nothing to do with race if that's what you're thinking. I actually like the character of Michael and sympathized with the choices he had to make last season in order to save his son. I thought that there was a good chance that I might have done the same in his shoes.

My problem with Michael being the father is that it doesn't match the personality of Sun's character to sleep with Michael on the island after such a short time. She is portrayed as a very noble, intelligent, and loving wife and it would seem to be out of character for her to have an affair with Michael after what...a month? Sure, Jin and Sun were not getting along well when they crashed but still....I hope she's just throwing out rumors to throw everyone off cuz I don't think I'll be too pleased if it turns out to be true although I admit it would be interesting.


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