Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Energy" Relationship Question of the Week

"Would you be okay with your significant other having a close friend of the opposite sex?"

Ah...a version of the classic When Harry Met Sally question. Can men and women truly be friends? What made this particular episode interesting was that there was a celebrity couple (Park Cheol and Oak So Ri) as part of the guest panel and one was for the "Yes" side, and one was for the "No" side. The wife was on the "Yes" side and when she revealed that she indeed had not one, but a few male friends, the husband seemed genuinely surprised. Awkward....

Another celeb guest said that he wouldn't have a problem with his GF being friends with a normal or bad looking buy, but would be against her being friends with a good looking guy. One celeb who was on the "No" team said that if he had a female friend, he would go to the movies, have a meal together, hang out together, etc. in the daytime, but would not do so at night. Of course, everyone else questioned why the time of day made a difference.

As for me, I am definitely on the "Yes" side. One reason is because of trust. I'd trust my GF/wife enough that I wouldn't be worried about them meeting male friends. If she already had these friends before she met me, who am I to say she can't meet them from now on? Another reason why I'd say "yes" is because I wouldn't want her to stop me from seeing my female friends as well.

In fact, I am so far on the "yes" team that I've actually encouraged my GFs in the past to hang out with their guy friends. It got them out of my hair for a while and let me do my own thing. I'd rather they have others to hang out with than wait around for me to do stuff with all the time.

So...what do y'all think?


Blogger Wayne's World said...

I side with the yes side. It's all about trust.

1/03/2007 12:56 PM  

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