Friday, December 22, 2006

Rod Haraga - What happened???

State Department of Transportation Director was not reappointed for another 4 year term by Governor Lingle yesterday. But the circumstances under how it happened are a bit shady...

In Governor Lingle's press conference, she announced that Haraga as well as Department of Labor Director Nelson Befitel chose to pursue other avenues and that they won't be returning to serve their positions for another term. But to hear Haraga tell it, it wasn't his choice not to return. Apparently, he found about about it after returning from vacation and was stunned by the decision.

Watching all of the newscasts covering this story, they speculated that it was possibly Haraga's high visibility factor that may have led to his demise. I've met Rod several times and yeah, I can tell he's a guy who certainly likes the spotlight and isn't afraid to have an audience. Now that he's unemployed he mentioned that he may pursue politics and given his nature, it would definitely be a good fit for him as a career choice.

It's just unfortunate however that the Governor chose to lie about the situation. When she was asked by a reporter if she had offered Haraga and Befitel re-appointments, she merely said "Again, they have chosen to pursue other avenues." I have respect for Governor Lingle and think she's doing a good job but I hate to see her caught in a lie like this when there wouldn't have been anything wrong in saying the truth.


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