Saturday, May 26, 2007

Stanfurd Impostor

An 18 year old freshman at Stanfurd University has been caught for basically faking being a student at the University. Azia Kim from Orange County was finally caught after spending the last 8 months posing as a student. She attended classes, bought books, slept in the dorms, and even talked with friends about the stress of tests and such. Since she wasn't a real student, she couldn't get issued a dorm key card so she convinced other students there to allow her to stay with them and also to keep the windows open so she could enter the room.

Wow, this is pretty amazing. Not only that she could get away with this for so long, but because you have to wonder what would drive a person to do such a thing! She must have really wanted that Stanfurd experience! But I have a suspicious feeling that it stems from pressure from the parents. Korean parents are so addicted to the "name" schools that there's a good chance that she did this for them. I can just imagine her parents proudly bragging to all of their friends that their daughter was a Stanfurd girl. Imagine their shame when this story broke. How embarrassing!

Of course, needless to say that she would have never gotten away with this for so long had she attempted this at Berkeley! LOL

Here are several links to articles:
LA Times
San Jose Mercury News


Blogger Wayne's World said...

Here's another one:

PALO ALTO, California: Days after discovering a woman posing as a student, Stanford University officials have discovered a second imposter who managed to pass herself off as a member of the campus community for months.

Elizabeth Okazaki had made herself at home in Stanford's Varian Physics Laboratory, where she used computers, attended seminars and sometimes spent the night, students told the San Francisco Chronicle.

5/28/2007 7:04 AM  
Blogger Myong Choi said...

Man, what is up with these AAs? Not represtin' real well!

5/28/2007 9:22 AM  
Blogger tabasco man said...

Hey, I used to work for Varian in Palo Alto.

5/30/2007 5:43 PM  

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