Tuesday, May 22, 2007

24 Hour Fitness Downtown

Went to work out at the Downtown (Bishop Street) 24 Hour Fitness today for the first time. I was on my way to the usual Kapiolani branch after work today but on my way there from my Airport Industrial Area office, traffic was too blocked up and I remembered that there was a Downtown branch so I took the Vineyard exit and headed to Bishop Street. I was really glad to get out of the mean traffic.

Since it was my first time there, I had to call them to ask where the parking was. There's a $1 gone for calling information to get their number! Parking turned out to be in Executive Centre and it cost a $1, same as Kapiolani.

Walking into the gym, there's nothing on the entry level floor except for the check in counter, a small pro shop, and some offices. All of the workout equipment and everything else is located on the lower floor.

I walked downstairs and it took me a while to figure out where to go. I needed to go to the locker room first since I was still in my work clothes. Luckily another guy was right in front of me and I could tell he was heading for the locker room too so I just followed him. Located in the back corner, it might've taken me a while to find it myself if I had had to.

After changing, I took a walk around just to scope the place out. Very interesting. They pack a lot in a small place. Did my usual warmup mile run on the treadmill and then proceeded to lift. The batcave like back room was pretty interesting. Surprisingly, the weightlifting areas weren't too crowded so I got through my workout fairly quickly. The fitness machines were pretty packed though.

The one thing I didn't like was that there was only 1 water fountain for the whole place. I was dying of thirst after my run and it took me a while to find the fountain.

Overall, not a bad place to work out if I'm too lazy or tired to drive all the way to Kapiolani. Was kind of disappointed in the lack of scenery though. Where were all of the young Downtown yuppies at? ^^;;;

Also, since it was my first time I felt like the new guy at a new school. I felt like people were looking at me. But not in a weird way. In my head, I was thinking that everyone was probably thinking, "Who's the new guy? Not bad!" LOL! Vanity, thy name is Myong! Yeah, I have to admit these are the kinds of things that run through my head. Like WW says, my perspective of reality is a bit skewed, but hey, it makes life fun, right?


Blogger Wayne's World said...

"A bit skewed"? That's putting it mildly. haha Yeah, they must have been checking you out for your terrific personality.

5/23/2007 3:00 PM  

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