Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Summer Movie Preview

So what do you think are going to be the big movies of Summer 2007? I just went to go see the first big banger, Spider-Man 3 last night. Entertaining, but not mind blowing in any way. Actually, it was a bit sloppy in the story telling. They could have come up with better ways to introduce plot devices (there were a lot of convenient coincidences) and the Osborne family butler popped up out of nowhere with a secret that totally was out of plot convenience.

These are my predictions for the Top 5 box office grossing movies of the summer:1) Spider-Man 3 (already in theaters) - Already grossed $151 over opening weekend. It's gonna be huge.2) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (May 25) - The 2nd installment made big time bank and this one probably will as well. Plus, it's got Mr. Hard Boiled cop Tequila himself, Chow Yun Fat!3) Shrek the Third (May 18) - Won't go see this myself (not really a fan of animated films) but no doubt it'll scoop at the box office.4) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (July 13) - I haven't seen a single Harry Potter film and don't plan on starting now, but the kids love this stuff, as well as some adults. Meh, not my kinda movie.5) Transformers (July 4) - I think this will draw both the kiddies and their 80s raised daddies. I have trust in director Michael Bay and think this movie is gonna be just a wild, crazy ride. I can't wait!

Other films I will definitely try to catch:

- Ocean's 13 (June 8): Fun film franchise and this one shouldn't be any different
- Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (June 15): The trailers showing the Silver Surfer look so cool!
- Live Free or Die Hard (June 27): Detective John McClane is back! I just hope they keep this as an R rated film instead of going safe with PG-13.
- The Simpsons Movie (July 27): I have a feeling this is going to open big and then die real quickly. But I'm still curious...
- The Bourne Ultimatum (August 3): This is a really well made action franchise and Matt Damon is great in this role. Very smartly directed action scenes.
- Rush Hour 3 (August 10): Gotta love the Jackie/Tucker combo! I thought Rush Hour 2 was better than the original and hopefully this one exceeds that one.

What summer films are you looking forward to?


Blogger Myong Choi said...

Wow, I just noticed that 9 out of the 11 movies I listed are sequels. And the other 2 are made from TV shows.

Where's all of the originality Hollywood? There are tons of aspiring screenwriters out there! Give them a shot!

I think the best hope for an original screenplay hit would be Knocked Up, a comedy by the guy who directed The 40-Year Old Virgin.

5/08/2007 4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought "Spidey 3" was the best of 'em. The actual Venom character done pretty well, if you ask me. They're saying that's the last one for a while, but, with the profits over last weekend, I don't think Raimi'll have a choice but to make a 4, etc. And, uh, did any of ya'lls perchance to hear what Lucas had to say 'bout Spid' 3? Yikes!

I agree -- keep the "Die Hard" franchise rated R; every "Die Hard" screening I went to, folks had their kids w/'em anyway. I haven't heard TOO much about this film except for the trailers (whose trimmings give the look of a 1970s-type thriller, like Bullitt or Telefon). I hope I'm wrong about this film the same way I was wrong about Terminator 3, which I thought was gonna tank, but, was a pretty darn good film.

Seeing "Transformers" first weekend's obligatory, just like Spidey 3.

And, yeah, from the "not too fond of" dept. I'm proud to say that I've not even PICKED up a Harry Potter book, much less seen the film. It's like my kryptonite whenever I'm not using the menu feature and am just scrolling through the movie channels and perchance to hit upon an airing of one of the Harry Potters on HBO. Not too excited about the Pirates of series, but, since Chow Yun Fat's in it, I guess "At World's End" is gonnna be the first of 'em that I see.

The Bourne films filled out surprisingly well (I've read most of Ludlum's books; the Bourne books are different from the film. Really great as well, but, different).

5/09/2007 12:23 PM  

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