Monday, August 13, 2007

Went to Costco Today....

Just wanted to buy a case of water (ran out at our house), a thing of milk, and some bananas at Costco today (Iwilei) after work, at around 5pm. Driving around the parking lot, I was thinking, damn! Full house today! Even the stalls at the very end (King St side) of the parking lot (where the non-lazy park) were full!

Then as I enter the warehouse, I started to notice that EVERYONE was buying 1-2 cases of bottled water, sometimes 4-5. I was thinking...what's going on? And then I remembered that Hurrican Flossie was headed towards the islands. I give Hawaii people one thing...if ever a disaster really does hit us, we'll have more water and toilet paper than anyone can handle! I've noticed that locals always rush to the store to buy these two staples at any hint of a disaster, whether it be tsunami or hurricane. Last I heard, the hurricane wasn't even going to hit Oahu, but better to be safe than sorry I guess!

Sorry...just thought that it was kind of funny.