Friday, July 21, 2006

Pageant News!

Everybody loves a beauty pageant right? I remember watching the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants every year with my parents when I was a kid and we would make bets on who we thought would win. My mom of course watched to admire their beauty while my dad and I would be interested in what charities they would be representing. ;)

Although I haven't watched a beauty pageant on TV in years (I think the last one I watched was when Brooke Lee won Miss Universe), I did come across some pageant news.

First of all, the Miss Universe Pageant will take place this weekend in Los Angeles. Here is Korea's entry, Kim Joo Hee.Apparently, she's a news announcer for SBS! Can you imagine a news announcer from here competing in a pageant? Hmm...the only one that comes to mind is Kuualoha Taylor.

In other pageant news....there was a Miss Korea New York pageant held over the 4th of July weekend in the Big Apple. Looking at a few of the profiles of the contestants, I couldn't help but laugh.

Jennifer Maeng, a 24 year old restaurant owner sang "Top of the World" in the talent competition. Okay....she also says "At my restaurant, I spend a lot of time explaining what Korean culture is like. If I had the Miss Korea title, people would trust my information more." and also offers this advice - "In a Korean deli or cleaners, say Ahn nyoung ha se yo. That means hello. They’ll give you a discount." All-righty then!

Mijin Park, 19, sang "Part of your World" from The Little Mermaid because she feels it represents her transition from a girl to a young lady. What, was the Britney Spears song "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" taken already?

Irene Noh, 20, says "I went to study in Seoul. They’re more conservative there. It’s not polite to speak on the subway or talk on your cell phone too loudly." Yeah, she obviously hasn't been there.

And Nina Kim, 19, of Scarsdale, when asked what Korea is like, answers "People are still very—I don’t want to say closed-minded. But they won’t make out at the movies." Been there, done that! LOL

And check out this judge. He's doing a great job!


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