Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mitsuken - Yummy but....eww!!!!

I had a meeting this morning at Kapalama ES so I decided to stop by Mitsuken to pick up some food since it was so close by. Everyone knows Mitsuken, right? The okazuya on School Street that has no parking but ono ono food?

Got there at around 8am and surprisingly no line. Shoots! Ordered the breakfast special - 2 eggs, 2 bacon, and fried rice, but also with the garlic chicken cuz I planned on eating half for breakfast and half for lunch. It came out to under $5. Sweet! Funny thing though. I ordered my eggs over easy as I usually do and the guy taking my order asked the girl next to him, "We get any more eggs?" and she said "no". So the guy tells me he can only give me scrambled. Huh? No eggs, but scrambled can? I guess cuz they pre-make the scrambled eggs in advance. I don't normally like scrambled eggs but whatever.

So I got my order and brought it back to my office to eat half for breakfast. It's a frickin' feast! One huge mound of fried rice, the scrambled eggs, the bacon, and 3 large pieces of their famous garlic chicken.

As I was eating, I left the plate on the white paper they wrap the plate in so I wouldn't get my office desk dirty and oily. Then I noticed a teeny tiny black bug walking around on the piece of white paper. No biggie. I killed it and proceeded to grind.

I ate a little less than half and was full so I was going to wrap it back up in the white paper they provided to put in the fridge. That's when I saw it. A roach crawled out from under my plate. Eww!!!! Gross! That roach had to have come from Mitsuken's kitchen and was cruzing around in my wrapped up package cuz I have yet to see a roach here in my new office at the new Elementary School I'm currently working out of.

And this wasn't no small roach either! Was good size! Where the hell was that guy while I was grinding away? Cruzing under my plate I guess! Aw man, I was so grossed out. That plate was sitting on the passenger seat in my car for a good hour between the time I bought it, stopped by our main office, and then headed to Ewa Beach. Who knows where that thing crawled around on my plate!

Needless to say I threw the rest of the plate away and now have no lunch. Not that it matters, I totally lost my appetite anyway.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

double eww!! what the heck? one of my accounts asks me to get them garlic chicken for their parties and it has to be Mitsuken. wait til I tell him lol.
I'm buying The Hills from iTunes to watch on the plane and it's taking so long so I'm commenting on your blog :) Already did Heroes but got The Hills just in case.

3/11/2007 9:30 PM  

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