Friday, March 02, 2007

Japanese Prime Minister Says....We Take it Back!

Current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is stirring the ever boiling pot representing the relationship between Japan and Korea by making a ridiculous statement that the Japanese military never forced the Korean and Chinese women into being sex slaves during World War II.

Hmm....I seem to remember something called the Kono Statement issued back in 1993 which issued a formal apology from the Japanese government to the comfort women that were abused during the war. And currently, the US House of Representatives is working on a resolution that will have Tokyo issue a formal statement apologizing and acknowledging the sex slaves. So what's Abe saying now? "Nah nah nah nah! Was just keeding brah! We nevah mean that! 1993 was one crazy year for can take that serious!"

So I guess all these people behind the Kono statement and the in the US House are all misled, right? Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of women who led lives as comfort women. Forget their personal stories of abuse, coersion, and sex with strange men. They're crazy! Who's gonna believe a sex slave!

This kind of story just makes me sick. I really feel sorry for the stupid and ignorant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schizo Abe is a bad motha..shut yo mouth. Thanks you just made me really angry all over again. Read it in the paper and clenched it so tight it got all wrinkly. argh!

3/11/2007 9:23 PM  

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