Whew! Another year, another Korean Festival gone!
The past few days have been quite busy as I've hardly spent any time at home, trying to get ready for this Festival. But I have to say, it was all worth it. I think this year's Festival was bigger and better than last year's and I hope we can continue to grow and improve year to year.
I'm sorry that I have no pics to share with you this year but I was just so busy running around and checking on things that I didn't have the energy to snap pics. I know, I'm a terrible blogger! I did take about 4-5 pics during some down time but nothing terribly interesting. Maybe I'll post them when I get a chance.
First of all...the Ala Moana Centerstage performance on Friday afternoon. Wow, this went really well. We were on stage from 2-2:45pm and as shoppers started to realize there was a show going on, the crowd got bigger and more enthusiastic. I have to say that MC'ing an event at such a public arena is quite fun and exciting! The dancers from Korea were amazing and they really worked the crowd up. One elderly woman approached me after the show and told me she was near tears after watching the performances and wished that the show hadn't ended.
As for the main event Saturday....I was there from about 7:30am till about a little before midnight. Of course there were hiccups here and there, but overall, a very smooth operation for the most part.
Food....there were more food booths this year and all of the food vendors did just as well or better than last year so that's a good sign. I have several ideas in changing the food concept next year so don't be surprised to see a few major changes at the 8th Festival. And don't be surprised to see me with a food booth at the Festival in the near future! I have an idea to bring back a long gone but still dearly missed local favorite. But seeing as how I'll probably be too busy with Festival operations to run a food booth, that idea will have to wait. Unless I can find a good crew to run it for me....
Entertainment...the entertainment schedule ended up being almost an hour behind schedule but I think the people enjoyed the program for the most part. I didn't really get to watch the entertainment too much but did spend some time onstage and backstage here and there. Our MC's were great in going with the flow. The song contest was bigger and better this year and the prizes were definitely upgraded. I didn't watch the headliner Kim Se Hwan perform (his music not really my cup of tea) so can't say how he did. Did anyone catch his act? Was it good?
Products tent was packed and people were walking shoulder to shoulder. I think we need to expand our product tent next year. We keep getting new vendors who want to participate so we have to expand to meet the demand. You could get a wide variety of products in the tent from Korean snacks, culutural items, handbags, even medical advice and massages!
Services and sponsors...there were tons of fun activities going on. You could get your picture taken in hanbok, there was face painting for the kids, and a lot of sponsors had fun games with free giveaways which resulted in lines of over 20 people waiting to participate.
Cooking demonstrations in our Chamber tent were also very popular. They demonstrated how to cook many different traditional Korean dishes and gave out free samples. We also had about 300 bottles of kim chee to sell and we sold out!
Overall, the general feedback from the public has been very positive. I made numerous rounds of the park throughout the day, asking vendors, sponsors, attendees, volunteers, policemen,etc. for their reactions and comments. They were all positive.
I want to thank everyone who came out this year for your support and please come and join us again next year!