Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Don't Park Between Blockbuster and Don Quijote!

Well, between 3:30PM and 5:30PM on weekdays anyway.

Yesterday, I took off from work a little early cuz I was just too burnt out and needed a break so I headed down to 24 Hour Fitness on Kapiolani to get a sweat going and release some work headaches. But the parking structure for 24 Hour was closed and there was a sign saying where the alternate parking was. But as I was driving around the block, I saw some empty metered stalls on Makaloa Street between Blockbuster and Don Quijote. Cool!

So I got out of my car (this was around 3:00PM) and put 2 hours in the meter. Then I looked up and noticed a sign: TOW AWAY ZONE 3:30PM to 5:30PM EXCEPT FOR SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS. I must've stared at that sign for about 20 seconds, trying to figure it out. But stupid me, I thought to myself, "That sign must only apply if you don't feed the meter. Otherwise why have metered and marked stalls here?" And I went off on my way to the gym, but still worrying a bit about the sign.

As I was working out, I kept thinking "what if?" and I couldn't concentrate. The sign was really bothering me. So I cut my workout short and left to go protect my car just in case. I got to my car at around 3:55PM. Sure enough, there was a tow truck there, pulling my car away! I had to go run after the tow truck driver to chase him down. Actually, he was kind of far away already but a woman walking toward me saw me running after him and stopped him from going any further. When I caught up to him, he let my car go....but for $50! Luckily I had the cash on me cuz I don't think he would've taken a credit card. He said that if he had taken it to the yard, it would've been over $200 to retrieve it.

On top of that, there was a parking ticket on my windshield as well. Another $50! Jeez, $100 out, just like that! The cop was there issuing tickets to other suckers and I talked story with him, trying to get out of it as I did a few days ago when I ran a red light and got caught in Kalihi. But no such luck this time. I guess I didn't bat my eyes enough or show enough cleavage.

Anyways, besides me, there were at least 4 other cars parked in that same area and the tow company had 2 trucks there to take them away. I was lucky enough not to get mine towed all the way to the yard.

So listen to the signs and don't park there between 3:30PM and 5:30PM on weekdays!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, does sound confusing, but when you figure in the metered stalls, minus out the fact that you're parking there on a non-Sunday, non-Saturday, non-Holiday (heh, looks like that Philosophy 101 class paid off for I), you know that: 1) you gotta feed the meter (which you did, Myong); 2) not park there between the designated times. You'll see that sign anywhere on a ('nother "non" coming up; brace yourselves) thoroughfare where rush hour traffic can get near gridlock (and on Oahu, we KNOW how close we're getting to that in the morning and afternoon on our inner roads and streets).

You should tell 24 Hour Fitness. Tell 'em how much the unavailability of parking that's suppposed to be for their members, in part, got you into a worse state of mind than for what wanted to remedy by using (and paying for) their facility.

Sorry to hear all that happened, man.

3/15/2007 8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops. The aforementioned "minus" before my mentioning of ". . . parking there on a non-Sunday, non-Saturday, non-Holiday . . ." should be the phrase "add the fact that" instead of "minus."

3/15/2007 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? You live country?

And who goes 24 hr fitness on a weekday afternoon (except strippers)? I've NEVER gone up to the 3rd deck, so why would the parking be full?


3/16/2007 12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I go there in the afternoon and I am not a stripper.
Yup you should complain to 24 hour, I am since I got that membership that only allows me to visit the Kapiolani one.

3/24/2007 9:03 PM  

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