Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Korea - Day 7

Had lunch near Insadong today at a place known for their bossam.

Had to try their "wang" mandoo! So ono!
Here's the 보쌈 (bossam - a kind of pork dish). The meat was very very tender and delicious.
After lunch, went cruzing around Insadong which is known for its cultural shops and art galleries. It's a very cool place to visit and one of the top tourist destinations in Seoul.

Korean souveneirs
Traditional masks...
More knickknacks...
A street vendor was selling 번데기 (beondaegi = silkworm). Yuck! Sorry, but I can't eat that stuff...
Lots of art galleries

Then met a 동생 (dongseng = little brother) for dinner. He took me to a seafood restaurant in Hongdae.

The appetizers were really fresh! See the octopus on the right? That thing was still moving and squirming around as we ate it!
More appetizers which included sea urchin, oysters, topshell, and shrimp. Everything was super fresh.
The main dish...the sashimi sampler. While not quite as good as Hawaii's standards, it was still very good.


Blogger Sang Park said...

Whoa...is that what I think it is?


I remember LOVING that stuff when I was young in Korea...but not sure I can eat it now.

So...when you said finding roots, culture, etc., you meant FOOD/DRINK roots, culture, eh?...lol...j/k.

Looks like you're having a great time. Keep us posted!

10/24/2007 6:21 AM  

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