Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm Too Old For This S---!

After a year's layoff, I went back to taking taekwondo last night. Just to spice things up a bit. Surprisingly, I still had some snap in my kicks during kicking drills and I was kind of surprised with myself. But then the teacher had us doing these flying side kicks and then flying double kicks into a punching bag! Huh? do realize I'm still in the lower belts and that I weigh like 500 pounds? You think you're gonna see me fly kicking? But after a few apprehensive attempts, I was able to kick the bag with some success.

But then we started doing this other kicking drill where you have to continuously kick a target with alternating feet non-stop for 40 straight times and it was then that I tweaked my back. This was about 2/3 into the class. I felt a twitch right away but since my body was still warm I hardly felt any pain. But it was after the class when I changed clothes and started walking to my car that I could start feeling it. And then when I got home, man it really stiffened up! Today, I'm walking around like some street pimp, with my back tucked in, my butt stuck out, and kind of waving side to side. All I'm missing is the cane, the leopard print fedora, and the goldfish in my glass high heeled boots!

It's gonna take me a few days to recover from this but I'm just happy to be practicing taekwondo again. Can't wait to get back to class and get hurt again! ^_^


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