Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Strong Guys at Pearl Kai 24 Hour!

After lifting at 24 Hour Kapiolani the last month or so, I went back to 24 Hour Pearl Kai yesterday cuz I didn't feel like driving into town. First of all, it was packed! When I went there before, it was usually pretty sparse, but yesterday was sardine city. This was at about 4:30pm by the way.

The other thing I noticed was...man, these guys are strong! Yesterday was chest and tris day for me so the first exercise I normally do is flat bench press. My timiing was perfect as someone had just finished their sets as soon as I had finished my warm up run and walked over to the weight area. So I put my towel on the bench and started looking around for a pair of 45s. There were none to be seen (the guy before me had been using 35s). I looked around at all the weight racks and all I could find were 35s and 25s, no 45s.

And then I looked around some more and then it finally hit me that all the 45s were being used! One guy was flat benching 4 plates each side, another guy was on the chest machine with 6 plates on each side! Holy cow! And no one had no less than 4 45s on their weights. No wonder I couldn't find any 45s! Man, these guys are strong! I was half looking for WW to be in the gym somewhere! So finally after like 2-3 minutes of walking around the gym looking for weights, someone finally put a pair back on the rack and I was quick to grab em.

They sure eat their Wheaties in Pearl City!


Blogger Gee Why said...

The Tabasco Man was there?! He used to do that at the gym on base here. They even had to purchase 100+ lbs dumbbells for him.

4/10/2007 2:19 PM  
Blogger tabasco man said...


They didn't bring in those 120 lbs dumbbells until after you arrived.

4/10/2007 6:49 PM  

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